KUN Design Week_05

Design Week 5: Beginning the Permit Set

Having met with the client for final design decisions, we're ready to move forward with creating the construction documents for permit submission. That doesn't mean all the decisions have been made, however, as any review from city or other officials could bring up unforeseen obstacles that still need to be solved.

06/11/2019 - Day 13

A meeting at the site with Rocky Mountain Power today brought up concerns with the power lines that cross through the middle of the property. This issue could be big enough to stop the entire project dead in its tracks. Without moving the existing lines the project will not be allowed to be built. In order to move the lines a large portion of the project budget will have to be used on non-construction related costs. We put together a plan today that, if we have help from RMP, will allow the project to continue. 

Today we also began production of the drawings for our construction documents. Without the luxury of time we cannot afford to wait to hear back on the power lines before we start producing. These drawings will be sent out for permitting at the end of the design semester in just three and a half short weeks.

06/12/2019 - Day 14

If we are going to have a permit set ready to go by the end of the semester, getting organized is a must. Today we laid out everything we will need, decided who would work on it, and got to work. Despite the project only being 650 square feet there is a great amount to be figured out, drawn up, and then made into reality come our fall build semester.

06/13/2019 - Day 15

We've worked a lot to simplify our design to be more easily buildable, sustainable, and practical. Today we had the realization that this came at the cost of the design itself. Although perfectly logical in our decisions, the architecture itself was no longer something that we were excited about. We also found out today by talking with our structural engineer that what we had come up with required more material that was necessary. These two discoveries prompted a halt on permit set production as we took a step back to reevaluate and make new decisions. It's risky to take this step back with our deadline quickly approaching, but the progress made today was worth the interruption. We all agreed at the end of today that what we were able to come up with, although not fully figured out, is a great improvement over what we had this morning.
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