KUN Build Week_18

Build Week 18: Back at It

It's 2020, the year that the first Design+Build Salt Lake ADU will be completed! With many of the core team returning and some new recruits, we jumped back into building this week after a much needed holiday break.

Week of January 7 - Days 33 & 34

Now that it is January, the core team of us 10 graduate students are deep into our capstone projects back on campus, excited for graduation in just about four months. We are just as excited to see the Kunga ADU to completion this Spring, so many of us have returned this semester to volunteer as much time as we can to give the Kunga family the ADU they deserve. In addition to the core team, we have five new recruits in various stages of their degrees who will be helping us out.
Although we took a physical break from building over the holiday break, plenty of thought went into what we need to move forward and finish in good time. That made it so we could get right to work on day one of the new semester without delay. We started this week with making all of the panels we put up last month perfectly square, level, and fastened them together permanently! That sure felt good after all of our temporary connections on campus due to the panel system for transport. That included many metal connections to make everything perfectly strong.
With everything securely fastened together, we continued on with our reassembly of what we built on campus. We were able to get in all of the first level joists and sheathing which allowed us to add a couple of new wall panels to our upper storage level. Every day gets us one step closer to a finished home!
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