KUN Build Week_09

Build Week 9: Back from the Break

After a week off we are re-energized and ready to go! This week we continued moving forward on campus, prepped the site further, and are one step closer to our building permit after another review cycle was completed.

Week of October 15 - Days 15 & 16

We've got a lot going on with our build, especially in the little details. This week we made big progress in items that seems small but will make a big difference. A big accomplishment of the week was to reconstruct one of our largest panels to be even stronger. This panel supports our large south and west openings and even though most of the strengthening elements are internal, it is already visibly sturdier.
A unique aspect of this project is that not only are we designing a house, but also the furniture in it. A key piece of furniture for the Kunga family is their couch since it will give Mrs. Kunga relief from her wheelchair. It is the last piece of furniture we have to build, and this week it started coming together.
The power company was on site this week to move the power lines that were obstructing where the ADU will be placed. This was a discovery made during the summer's design semester and nearly stopped the project for good. It all worked out great though, the lines have been moved, and our site is ready to go once our permit is.
Each week is one week closer to the Kunga Family seeing their dream become a reality! We have high hopes that a permit will be granted soon and that we can move to site and make great progress before winter sets in. Until then, we'll continue on campus and learn more and more each and every day.
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